schnief, aber zum Glück ist ein wahrscheinlich noch kein nein^^
F. Paul Wilson
Einfach einen Dark Romance Sticker drauf und es verkauft sich wie geschnitten Brot
Einfach einen Dark Romance Sticker drauf und es verkauft sich wie geschnitten Brot
So einfach ist es leider nicht, glaub es mir.
So einfach ist es leider nicht, glaub es mir.
Würde mich eher abschrecken...
Ja Frank, ich weiß. Aber solch eine Situation benötigt eine Prise Ironie, sonst wäre es einfach nur traurig.
Deswegen ja auch ein Sticker, McFly. Kann man abmachen.
auch das zweite, neue us-buch von f. paul wilson traf eben ein.
so kann ich, in meinem urlaub. ende januar/ anfang februar 19, lesen:
f.paul wilson:
---the void protocol. the ice-sequence band 3 von 3, panacea-zyklus.
(forge, usa, hc, 2019, 333 seiten).und
die f.paul wilson- version über nikola teslas turm, die,
du hattest recht @dirk68,
im frühen teil der "geheimen geschichte der welt" angesiedelt ist.
(journalstone, usa, übergroß brosch., 2018, 142 seiten).wegen des nötigen wissens um teslas leben und werk werde ich bei meiner
urlaubslektüre dabei haben:
john o`neill:
zweitausendeins, hc, 1998, übersetzung: frank kühnke,
kommentiert von peter ackermann, mit 23 fotos, erläuterungen...,
419 the way:
--- eine große würdigung, durch die popkultur, erfährt tesla
durch erwähnungen in "the big bang theory". -
Tesla spielte auch in "Prestige" von Christopher Priest eine große Rolle. In der Verfilmung wurde er von David Bowie gespielt.
mit tesla beschäftige ich mich auch schon seit über 20 jahren.
und fast aller orten findet ja, nicht nur in den usa, in den letzten jahren, ein umdenken,
ob teslas bedeutung, statt... seine visionen werden geschätzt.buch und film kenne ich ...
es gibt ja z.b. auch die band tesla, hier mit: "what you give" ...
Externer Inhalt von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.bin auf wilsons geschichte zu teslas wunderturm ... äußerst gespannt...
um das buch von f. paul wilson in der "geheimen geschichte der welt"
zeitlich einzuordnen < hier die anfänge der großen arbeit von f.p.wilson:demonsong (prähistorisch)
the compendium of screm(1498)
wardenclyffe (1903-1906)
aryans and absinthe (1923-1924)
black wind / der schwarze wind (1926-1945)
the keep / das kastell (1941)
reborn / erweckung (februar - märz 1968)---"wardenclyffe" - f. paul wilson
(journalstone, usa, übergroß brosch., 2018, 142 seiten).man begegnet dem visionär nikola tesla, der lady mit dem hund,
der geheimgesellschaft um den deutschen drexler, die aus gewichtigen
gründen teslas turm realisieren will. und man begegnet charles, einem
engländer mit einer frau in sich.
tesla erlebt in den usa posthum eine radikale anerkennung. ohne seine
bahnbrechenden ideen gäbe es viel vertraut-modernes so nicht.
es bot sich für wilson sichtlich an, diesen tüftler und antihelden in seine historie
mit einzubeziehen.
das erzählt wilson im typischen wilson-sound... supergut von a bis z....
den wardenclyffe-turm konnte tesla, in wirklichkeit, aus geldgründen nicht realisieren.
was er genau vorhatte, wie vieles gutes von ihm, blieb in seinen vorstellungen.
er machte bekanntlich kaum notizen.
ein fall also für doc wilson, ein unbedingt lesenswerter... -
Statement des Autors auf Facebook, 1.Februar:
Tor-MacMillan dumps Repairman Jack
It's true. Jack is back but Tor doesn't want him.
The publisher of 23 Repairman Jack titles says "No mas." They've made it known to my agent that they've decided not to proceed with any new Jack novels.
I see this as the result of a perfect storm arising from a confluence of poor sales of the very noir, pure-crime Early Years Trilogy (for which I take full responsibility), plus the death of the long-time editor of the series, plus the sidelining of my long-time publisher, Tom Doherty. I suppose it doesn't help that Jack is not what you'd call a "woke" character and has no allies in the Tor editorial department.
However it will be published. Gauntlet is as anxious as ever to do the signed limited edition (hell, it might wind up the only edition) and I'm talking to Harry Morris now about the cover. The title is "The Last Christmas" and you can expect it in the fall. The print run will be limited. You can pre-order here to guarantee yourself a copy:
As for trade editions, I'm looking into various options.
Why a new Repairman Jack novel? I never said I was through with Repairman Jack. I said I was through turning in a new novel every year. I also said when a story came along that was right for Jack, I’d write it. "The Last Christmas" is that story.
Consider: It’s late December between "Ground Zero" and "Fatal Error," a winter of discontent for Jack who’s perhaps spending too much time hanging at Julio’s. An old contact, Edward Burkes, convinces him to take on a missing-person fix. As usual, nothing is as it seems and it turns out the missing person isn’t exactly a person. In fact, it’s like nothing anyone has ever seen.
And in the middle of all this, the mysterious Madame de Medici hires him to safeguard a valuable object. Simple, right?
Not even close.
Yep, Jack is back and, as usual, weird trouble is close on his heels -
Man kann auch Pauls Newsletter abonnieren, da steht alles drin. Frisch serviert per E-Mail
wenn das wieder virenfrei funktioniert
Hab da seit Jahren kein Problem mit
Das kann man wohl einrichten.
ZitatThe F Files - February 1, 2019
It's true. Jack is back but Tor doesn't want him.
The publisher of 23 Repairman Jack titles says "No mas." They've made it known to my agent that they've decided not to proceed with any new Jack novels.
I see this as the result of a perfect storm arising from a confluence of poor sales of the very noir, pure-crime Early Years Trilogy (for which I take full responsibility), plus the death of the long-time editor of the series, plus the sidelining of my long-time publisher, Tom Doherty. I suppose it doesn't help that Jack is not what you'd call a "woke" character and has no allies in the Tor editorial department
However it will be published. Gauntlet is as anxious as ever to do the signed limited edition (hell, it might wind up the only edition) and I'm talking to Harry Morris now about the cover. The title is The Last Christmas and you can expect it in the fall. The print run will be limited. You can pre-order here to guarantee yourself a copy.
As for trade editions, I'm looking into various options.
Why a new Repairman Jack novel? I never said I was through with Repairman Jack. I said I was through turning in a new novel every year. I also said when a story came along that was right for Jack, I’d write it. The Last Christmas is that story.
Consider: It’s late December between Ground Zero and Fatal Error, a winter of discontent for Jack who’s perhaps spending too much time hanging at Julio’s. An old contact, Edward Burkes, convinces him to take on a missing-person fix. As usual, nothing is as it seems and it turns out the missing person isn’t exactly a person. In fact, it’s like nothing anyone has ever seen.
And in the middle of all this, the mysterious Madame de Medici hires him to safeguard a valuable object. Simple, right?
Not even close.
Yep, Jack is back and, as usual, weird trouble is close on his heels.
NEW! SECRET STORIES – For your convenience I've gathered eight of the scattered stories from the Secret History between one set of covers (see the ToC for titles) with commentary as to why they are there.
THE VOID PROTOCOL ties up the ICE Trilogy with a big bang. Synopsis, excerpt, signed copies and buy links all here
WARDENCLYFFE - If you've read the Secret History of the World, you know that Nikola Tesla achieved his dream of broadcast power but then abandoned his iconic tower at Wardenclyffe, declaring it a failure. Why? What happened during that last test run to scare him off? (Order the paperback and you get the ebook free.)
THE GOD GENE - signed limited edition - order here
THE SILENT ONES - The 3rd and final novel in the Nocturnia Chronicles is pubbed.
THE GOD GENE - excerpts, interviews, buy links - all in one spot -- signed copies can be had at:VJ Books and The Poisoned Pen
UPDATED! EPHEMERATA V2.0: The Odds and Ends of a Writing Life. 160k words of ephemera I've written and published (or not) over the decades. This revised edition has an extra 40k words added. If you bought the 1st iteration, just reload it onto your device and the new version appears. Magic! I’m publishing Ephemerataexclusively in ebook form because it’s a work in progress. As time goes by I’ll update it (as I did in January) with orphaned pieces that surface from the past or ones that are too new at the moment and must remain exclusive to their original venue for a while.
After a commercial break we'll get to the usual tedious tidbits, trivialities, and miscellanies since last we met:
PANACEA signed limited edition
PANACEA paperback!…ZTId4763rAqdld8dbX763L6TwIt's here! It's cheap! Get it!
BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT: a paper edition of Sex Slaves of the Dragon Tong
FAMILY SECRETS (sequel to DEFINITELY NOT KANSAS) is an ebook at last:
FREEBIES!!! (new free story added)
“Demonsong” – Glaeken and Rasalom’s first meeting
"Lipidleggin'" – started off as an SF story, now it's non-fiction.
(Oh, wait . . . you never run out of ebooks, do you. Ignore that last part)
Browse a ton o' titles - some free, many just $3.99:
"Jack's saga has become the most entertaining and dependable modern horror-thriller series." (Publishers Weekly)
"One of the most consistently entertaining series in modern fantastic fiction." (Publishers Weekly)
I'm on Twitter (@fpaulwilson) and Facebook (
1/1 – Happy New Year
1/2 -- RiP Brian Garfield, prolific author of the notorious (and excellent) DEATH WISH. He also wrote the Edgar-winning HOPSCOTCH which is well worth a read.
1/3 – A very perceptive (i.e., positive) review of "Wardenclyffe"
1/8 – THE VOID PROTOCOL is officially pubbed today.
1/11 – Earl Scruggs and the Byrds playing a Dylan tune. Does it get any better than this?
1/12 – Mysterious Press has taken over some of my backlist and had THE SELECT on sale for $1.99. Sorry you missed it.
1/13 – LOVECRAFT E-ZINE INTERVIEW -- if you didn't catch the scintillating repartee live, you can watch the audio-visual on YouTube (Externer Inhalt youtu.beInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.
1/18 – Repairman Jack fans: Remind you of anything? Hmmm?
1/23 – SECRET STORIES – pubbed today -- eight of the scattered stories from the Secret History between one set of covers (see the ToC for titles) with commentary as to why they are there.
1/25-27 – my annual stint at the Borderlands Press Bootcamp for Writers.
WARDENCLYFFE - my new novella is on Amazon and B&N, but if you buy the trade paperback from the publisher, you get the ebook edition free. Journalstone Amazon B&N
THE SILENT ONES - The 3rd book in the Nocturnia Trilogy is available in a signed/limited signed 1stedition.
EPHEMERATA V2.0 (see above) has bits of fiction in it, but is mostly non-fiction. Over 100 short pieces of this and that.
PANACEA is the prequel to THE GOD GENE – about a hunt for the legendary cure-all. No, it's not Repairman Jack, but if you liked the Jack novels, you'll like this. There's a little bit of Jack in Rick Hayden (I couldn't help it) and Panaceafits into the Secret History. I mean, what's not to like? Now in paperback and signed limited edition
FAMILY SECRETS, the 2nd Nocturnia novel (sequel to DEFINITELY NOT KANSAS), is available in a signed, limited edition and in ebook form
ebook: Kindle:
Trade paperback: (NB: purchase of the tpb nets you a free copy of the ebook)
the signed limited collector’s edition of DEFINITELY NOT KANSAS is just about sold out -
REPAIRMAN JACK: "Interlude at Duane's" (from THRILLER) is now a Kindle Single - 99¢ (included in QUICK FIXES, btw)
THE HOGBEN CHRONICLES - I coedited this collection of Henry Kuttner's wonderful stories about a mutant hillbilly family - first time together in the same volume. SIGNED by Neil Gaiman (who did the intro) and yrs trly.
HOGBEN EBOOK – finally THE HOGBEN CHRONICLES (wonderful stories by Henry Kuttner, illos and all) is available as an ebook for $2.99:
"FIX" - a novella-length Repairman Jack mashup with Codename Chandler: Fix
"The Widow Lindley," my Wayward Pines story, is temporarily unavailable due to the closing of Kindle Worlds. But it shall return.
A stand-alone edition of “Infernal Night” co-starring Jack (written with Heather Graham)
"The Dead World" - my Burroughs pastiche set in Pellucidar with a fabulous Bradley W. Schenck cover - is available as a single.
"The Compendium of Srem" ebook:
January - The Void Protocol
THE NOCTURNIA CHRONICLES - All 3 volumes in signed hardcover 1st editions
The Borderlands Press ADVERSARY CYCLE:
THE KEEP, THE TOUCH, RAKOSHI (formerly THE TOMB), REBORN, REPRISAL, and NIGHTWORLD are all available in signed limited editions. This is a unique and beautiful set, and will be even more so when inserted into the über slipcase with its wraparound art. Check out the spine art at:
6) "REPAIRMAN JACK" - THE MOVIE . . . wait - THE TV SHOW . . . wait . . .
[Historical note: Years ago I sold film/TV rights to THE TOMB to Beacon Films. The idea has been to title the film "Repairman Jack" and turn our guy into a franchise character. The project has spent 20 years in development hell, chewing up 6 or 7 writers who've churned out reams of scripts.
We're looking toward TV now. Can't say any more because I don't know any more.
7) WHERE I'LL BE AT IN 2019 (yeah, I rite good)
Borderlands Bootcamp for Writers - January 25-27
Stokercon - May 9-12 - Grand Rapids, MI
Thrillerfest - July 9-13 - NYC
It has stuff with a neato-cool RJ logo on everything from T-shirts to caps to coffee cups to a wonderful poster by Susan Lee. (Even thongs!)
For you SF nuts and fans of my LaNague Federation series, Susan and Lisa have added a new line at the Repairman Jack store: the LaNague Federation logo on front and "KYFHO" on the back. [For those unfamiliar with the term, I invented the acronym way back when for AN ENEMY OF THE STATE and now it pops up everywhere. Google it if you can't guess the meaning.]
And now, by popular demand from you gun nuts and fans of Abe Grossman, ISHER SPORTS SHOP shirts and stuff are available. A design by the inimitable Susan Lee with a clever logo created by members of the website's Forum. Check it out.
The FF Rating system is gauged by use of the FF button in increments of 10% of running time. If I FF through a tenth of the film (i.e., 9 minutes of a 90-min film), its FF Rating is 1. Thus, the lower the FF Rating, the higher my level of engagement. (Note, I didn't say the better the film. Crap can - and often does - engage me.) FF = 5 is the threshold of unwatchable.
Bail Factor: If you turn off a film at the halfway point, that's an automatic 5. If you bail after only a quarter or so, that's an automatic 7.5. Then you add how much FFing you did before shutdown.
Why should you care what I think of a film? Beats me.
Movie plot summaries abound on the web, so you don't need me for that.
NB: I've now collected all my FF reviews (I was shocked at the hundreds of reviews I've done) in one spot: movie reviews this month -- mostly streaming series
Well, that's it for now. I've taken up enough of your time. More next month. Back to work.
F. Paul Wilson -
neu traf ein:
“sex slaves of the dragon tong. a yellow peril triptych”
- f. paul wilson.
-foreword von f. paul wilson;
part 1: sex slaves of the dragon tong;
part 2: part of the game;
part 3: dragon`s tongue.
independent, tb, 2012, engl., 119 seiten...bekanntlich ist f. paul wilson ein großer fan von pulp-heftchen und -büchern.
mit diesem werk zeigt er seine liebe zur "schundliteratur"... -
Die Reihe HANDYMAN JACK wird auch bei Festa nicht fortgesetzt. Es finden sich von Buch zu Buch weniger und weniger Leser. Der Buchmarkt wird kleiner, das digitale Zeitalter hinterlässt Spuren ... Es tut mir leid.
@Frank Festa
da ich f.paul wilsons bücher total liebe, muß ich in
den sauren apfel des, im original-lesen, beissen.
das ich wilsons us-romane überhaupt im original lese, wozu mir meist die
lust fehlt, zeugt von ihrer steten hohen qualitä gibt derzeit traurige entwicklungen im verlagswesen und
eine menge galgenhumor und verdrängungen.
ich bin ja auch schon älter, aber, alle neuen medien vermiesen mir das lesen
nicht, und keinesfalls verdrängen sie es!!!